About Us
LCN is committed to finding solutions for our clients from evaluating workflows for ever-changing acquisitions and business models, analyzing collections and use data, developing staff skills, finding efficiencies, and envisioning future library operations.
- Content licensing and acquisition workflows
- E-Resources management
- Usage data analysis
- Discovery system implementation and assessment
- Business model evaluation
- Library budget trends
- Open access trends
- Metadata creation and management
- Change Management
- Library Consortia Management
- Library/Institutional Sales and Sales Support
- Library Fundraising
- Research Methods, particularly Qualitative Research
- Bibliometrics
- Transformative Deals
- Revenue Optimization
- Content licensing and acquisition workflows
- E-Resources management
- Usage data analysis
- Discovery system implementation and assessment
- Business model evaluation
- Library budget trends
- Open access trends
- Metadata creation and management
- Change Management
- Library Consortia Management
- Library/Institutional Sales and Sales Support
- Library Fundraising
- Research Methods, particularly Qualitative Research
- Bibliometrics
- Transformative Deals
- Revenue Optimization
Michael Levine-Clark
Michael Levine-Clark is the Dean of the University of Denver Libraries. With colleagues from the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries, he founded the open access journal Collaborative Librarianship, and serves as co-editor. He is also co-editor of the Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences 4th ed, and serves on editorial boards of several journals. He is the recipient of the 2015 Harrasowitz Leadership in Library Acquisitions Award. An active member of the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS), he has served most recently as chair of the Collection Management Section. As co-chair of the NISO Recommended Practices for Demand-Driven Acquisition of Monographs Working Group, he was one of the lead authors of the recommended practices document. He serves on a variety of national and international publisher and vendor library advisory boards. He writes and speaks regularly on strategies for improving academic library collection development practices, including the use of e-books in academic libraries, the development of demand-driven acquisition models, and implications of discovery tool implementation. Michael Levine-Clark is a Principal Consultant at Library Consulting Network.
Bonnie Tijerina
Bonnie Tijerina is a librarian, entrepreneur and library community convener. She is currently a Researcher at the Data & Society Institute in New York City, where she works on library-related research and projects. She is the founder of ER&L (Electronic Resources & Libraries) conference and organization and Designing for Digital, a user-experience and design conference for libraries. Bonnie edited the Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship and serves as an advisor on the boards of University of Wisconsin Madison School of Library & Information Studies, The New York Metropolitan Libraries Council, and Library Pipeline. Bonnie worked in academic libraries for over ten years, most recently at Harvard University as Head of E-Resources and Serials.

Jill Emery
Jill Emery is the Collection Development & Management Librarian at Portland State University Library and has 20 years of academic library experience. She has held leadership positions in ALA ALCTS, ER&L, and NASIG. In 2015, she was appointed as the ALA-NISO representative to vote on NISO/ISO standards on behalf of the American Library Association. She also serves on the Project COUNTER Executive Committee. Jill serves as a member of The Charleston Advisor editorial board and is the columnist of “Heard on the Net,” and is on the editorial boards for Insights: the UKSG journal and the Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. In 2016, she will become a co-editor of the open access journal: Collaborative Librarianship. Jill is the 2015 recipient of the Kenneth W. and Elsie W. Butler Award for Library Faculty Service at Portland State University.
Working with Graham Stone, Jill has co-created two blogs/wikis: TERMS: Techniques for Electronic Resource Management and OAWAL: Open Access Workflows for Academic Librarians. For this work, both Jill and Graham received the 2015 Ingram Coutts Award for Innovation in Electronic Resource Management. Jill is also co-editor of the OA journal Collaborative Librarianship.
Shana Kimball has worked for 15 years at the intersection of expertise and the internet, as an advocate for and publisher of open access scholarly work; as a strategist, digital producer, and convener of communities at the New York Public Library; and as a managing director at a non-profit research institute studying the social and cultural effects of data-intensive technology. She currently works in New York City as a consultant, advising research-focused non-profits on business development, strategy, and fundraising.
Specialty areas:
- Open access trends
- Researcher workflows
- Strategy development and implementation
- Institutional development and fundraising

Jesse is the Director, Acquisitions & E-Resource Licensing Services at Cornell University Library and has 20 years of experience in various academic library roles. He is an active member of the Future of Libraries is Open (FOLIO) project community, where he currently serves as Chair of the Product Council, working to develop a flexible, community-driven, open source suite of tools for managing library work. As an active member of the library profession, Jesse has led or actively participated in conference planning committees for Ivy Plus Access Services, Voyager Mid-Atlantic User Group, E-Resources & Libraries, and the World Open Library Foundation Conference (WOLFcon). In addition, Jesse writes and speaks regularly on acquisitions and licensing methods and strategies; resource usage analysis and decision-making; streaming media; library system and discovery tool implementation and management; and open source software development.
James Wiser is the Dean of Library Services and Educational Technology at Abilene Christian University (ACU) in Texas and a doctoral student in Higher Education Administration at the University of Texas at Austin. He has 20 years of experience working in academic libraries, library